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E&O Website Review


Did you know your agency website could be used against you in an E&O claim? Have your insurance agency website reviewed by an approved auditor to see what potential language could be used against your agency in an E&O claim. 


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We aim to help insurance agents like you minimize E&O exposures and 
ultimately avoid E&O claims. When you reduce your E&O exposures, you also decrease the risk of expensive E&O claims, earn greater trust from your clients, and potentially earn savings on your E&O policy premium. That’s why we offer an E&O website review—to identify and address risky language on your site while giving you the opportunity to save on your policy.

Here is what you can expect…

  • Receive a Report with Recommended Changes
    After performing your insurance website evaluation, our team will provide you with a digital copy of the report, including recommended changes. 

  • Discuss the Results in a 30-Minute Consultation
    During our virtual consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the results of your review with a Swiss Re-approved auditor.

  • Become Eligible for a 5% E&O Premium Credit*
    Insurance Agents E&O can be expensive, you’ll appreciate the review includes eligibility for a potential 5% premium credit on your Swiss Re E&O policy for four (4) consecutive policy terms.

Address E&O Exposures on Your Site in 3 Steps
  1. Click below to purchase your E&O website review for a one-time fee of $575.
  2. Check your email for instructions on the process and a short questionnaire.
  3. Discuss the results of your website review with a Swiss Re-approved auditor.

*A 5% credit may apply if the Insured completes and implements the Critical and Urgent Improvements from a voluntary website Operational Efficiency Review.  The credit is valid for four (4) consecutive policy terms. Credit is applied at the first policy year following completion of the audit. Please note: Agency should speak to their state association underwriters for approval of this 5% premium credit  on E&O website review, prior to engaging. This review does not include ADA compliance testing.

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